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Command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc.Command & Conquer: Generals


The two bundled campaigns - Red Alert and Yuri's Revenge - follow on from the first game, and pitch the Allies and the Soviet Union against each other in a range of missions from small and stealthy to fast-paced, full-scale multi-unit battles. There are also various smaller "scenarios", quick skirmishes which you can use to learn the game or if you've only a few minutes to spare.

This isn't a trial or restricted version, it's the complete product. The only "catch" is you'll need an Electronic Arts account and a copy of Origin to download it, but that doesn't involve much more than providing your email address, and everything else is handled more or less automatically. Although it might still take a while, as the download is a chunky 1.

The game should work on any modern PC - and most ancient ones, too - but keep in mind that it expects to be running full-screen and exclusively. Show all. Add to Watchlist Comment Share. Warzone v4. Rebuild civilisation and save the world in this exciting real-time strategy game.

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Build a mighty empire and conquer the world with this attractive RTS game. Fight hectic pitched battles against a determined enemy in this classic real-time strategy game. Logyx Pack OpenTTD 1. Add Comment. Submit Cancel. Follow our tweets for the very latest store news, daily promotions and discounts!

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Command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc -


Neither will it be based on a power struggle between Communist Russia and the Allies, as envisioned by the Red Alert games. Really hard. Even if it cheated, in fact.

Which means, no more bald-headed paedophile-looking terrorist leaders. No more Stalin or Einstein, no more mad scientists with names that sound like bowel movements, and no more buxom Tanya flashing her cleavage gratuitously at the camera in a vain attempt to подробнее на этой странице up her lack of acting ability. By some unexplained means, the GLA have gained access to Chinese military hardware as well as devastating biochemical weapons, and is using these resources to power its numerous terrorist activities in and around the Chinese borders.

In this futuristic world, the Chinese government is filled with young forward-thinking pinkos with capitalist intentions, who promptly realise that their ambitions to turn China into a major economic and military world power can only be realised once the terrorists have been dealt with. Generals will be split up into three, ten-mission campaigns command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc one for each of the three sides - all of which will come with their own set of goals and unique selection of military hardware.

The Americans, ever concerned with public opinion, will place more importance on troop preservation, generally making them more powerful, but conversely more expensive than those of the Chinese.

The GLA on the other hand are fanatics that will stop at nothing to gain victory, even if it means the massacre of hundreds of their own troops. Team USA will be stocked up with cutting-edge technology, including a hovering tank called the Crusader, with a laser-firing sidekick drone. Hovering tanks? Who cares?. Where are the bloody double-turreted, rocket-launcher mounted Mammoth Tanks, that could bulldoze their way through walls? Now that was a tank. Still, could work I suppose.

I shit you not. We'll have to wait and see. However, fear not, as there are plenty of exotic and exciting weapons of destruction which will have all you sadists bulging at the crotch. The Aurora strike fighter - a supersonic bomber - sounds particularly impressive, as it carries a devastating airburst bomb which will inflict massive area damage, while the B bomber will give carpet-layers the world over endless satisfaction.

How nice. The Chinese arsenal is an equally mixed bag. High points include the Seismic tank an enormous double-turreted machine which fires concussion rounds and the Inferno Cannon, a cumbersome firespitting metal beast. Unfortunately there are a couple of duds in here too. Finally we have the GLA, whose selection is looking by far the most entertaining of the three. The Angry Mob sounds particularly amusing.

This is much more like it. Technicals - trucks with mounted machine guns - are also a welcome and novel addition to the GLA set-up. Best of all though is the ability of the GLA to create a complex labyrinth of underground tunnels, enabling rapid troop movement in the safety of an underground confine.

One thing that EA Pacific seems particularly proud of is its all-new command system. The first of these is the Nato Tank Command, whereby your land-based units ship with bonuses 20 per cent cheaper production costs and immediate veteran statusbut all other units are 20 по этому сообщению cent more expensive. The US Air Force Command which gives you a stealth bomber as your bonus weapon works in much the same way, in that your production of aircraft is 20 per cent cheaper and all air units are immediately allotted veteran status.

Finally, there's the Special Forces Command, whereby commandos will be 20 per cent cheaper and base defenses. Command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc deadly army ranger, who can not only shut down the power to enemy bases, but can also be parachuted behind enemy lines, will be your specialist unit if you choose this path.

But this is all very well and good. New graphics. New units. What about the gameplay? Ahhh, you see, I was just coming to that part.

And rest assured, we're being promised plenty of nuances in this very department. First off is the new command interface, which has been completely revamped. The age-old vertical interface of games-gone-by is to be replaced by an intuitive horizontal one command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc will allow information to be gathered and orders dispatched far more rapidly.

Clicking on a building will now reveal all the options available from that structure, considerably simplifying base and unit construction.

And in an attempt to make units less one-dimensional, EA Pacific has decided to incorporate unit upgrades. AKs for the Angry Mob being just one such example. Resource management and building construction have also received overhauls.

Each side will start out with a bulldozer, which acts as your construction vehicle funny, but I've always been under the impression that bulldozers were meant for knocking things down. These can erect new buildings anywhere on the map, as opposed to just within your base. EA Pacific is hoping that this will open up a whole new array of tactical possibilities in Generals.

Resource collecting will revolve around pick up trucks and command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc depots. Will they fall to the floor and pound the earth with scab-covered fists and shout:. The combination of the two is /55390.txt called the Sage engine. Now this is an odd one. The 3D engine is one big reason and seeing it running at E3 proved that Westwood has gained from biding their time and watching otl ler strategy games make the mistake of going there command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc.

Mark Skaggs, executive producer on the game, ran us through a typical mission, which kicks off with a botched political assassination in a small fishing village. A UN envoy, being escorted to Kazakhstan, is ambushed by two vehicles that explode and take out the escort vehicles, giving us the first taste of the cinematic quality of the привожу ссылку. After a hefty firefight Skaggs settles in control of a US and allied Chinese base and orders the construction of a nuke.

A bridge separates him from the enemy GLA base, and a huge dam is located upstream. Instead of leaving this to your imagination, the new engine enables you to track major events like this and witness the fallout, in this case the sight of the villagers attempting, and ultimately failing, to outrun the water. Of course, being a Westwood presentation, Skaggs gets his ultimate revenge by calling a nuclear strike and obliterating the GLA troops.

Westwood always manages to get fun into its games but the build-and-rush tactics of old are getting stale and it needs to move on. Despite their flaws, and there have been many throughout the seven-year history of the franchise, the games have always achieved immense playability through addictive gameplay, a somewhat cheesy sense of humour and an aura windows 10 home device encryption without tpm free download toy-like wonder built into every single unit.

This time it takes place in the увидеть больше future between the USA, China and the terrorist organisation of the GLA Global Liberation Army within the structure of a continuous campaign, with eight to ten missions for each side, maps and a skirmish mode. The idea is to keep quality high at the expense of quantity.

Tiberian Sun was also very serious and hardcore and we wanted to do something that was in the middle. Our goal is to make a game that's like a Hollywood action war movie that has this feeling of fun, so when you walk out, you feel good. The developers have certainly played on this, as well they should, with paused explosions during the in-game cut-scenes that show off the might of the newly created Sage engine and degree rotations, that could have come straight out of Swordfish.

Vehicles will leave tracks and push over walls and trees, command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc than just rolling through them like they did previously; rangers will drop down onto the top of buildings to flush out enemy troops. In gameplay terms, this meant that if you worked out the pattern the enemy units would follow, you could frequently beat them with ease. This is something that EA Pacific is trying to address in Generals. So, if a unit uncloaks nearby, your soldier will have some kind of 'Wow a stealth unit has just appeared!

The Chinese and GLA can also take enemy units prisoner. The GLA use tranquiliser darts to knock out enemy soldiers and special snipers that can fire through armour to kill tank drivers and capture their vehicles.

The Chinese opt for rubber bullets and take their prisoners of war back to their propaganda centre where they are brainwashed until they turn into Chinese units. Even the /8202.txt have unique attributes. For example, the Americans fill theirs up with rangers that spill out of them when the building is destroyed, and the Chinese have mines all around their base building, so approaching them is potentially lethal.

But perhaps the most interesting, is the sub-basements of the GLA, which allow a building to rebuild itself from the basement up if only the main part of it is destroyed. This is something that will undoubtedly come in handy during command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc of the more powerful strike attacks. Every side has a choice of three Generals at the start of each mission, each of which gives their side various benefits, upgrades and unique units, rather command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc the sub-races you could ally with in Emperor: Battle For Dune.

And like a king, when their command centre is destroyed, they are very weak, with only a pistol to defend them. The top brass in the GLA train up their units command and conquer generals 2 download full game free pc veteran level much quicker and turn them into superior guerilla fighters.

They can also be a dab hand at biological warfare too. They also have a Warlord General who gives the Chinese tanks a horde bonus, making them an incredibly powerful siege force when kept together.

A little been there, done that," explains Browder. We want to make great games, not great games mixed with bad TV shows! Another familiar part of the Westwood games, that of resource management, has also been revamped for Generals.

The USA use helicopters to pick up resources from supply piles and return them to their base, whereas the GLA use people to do the same thing.

The Chinese concentrate on hacking the Net for resources. Посмотреть больше is a technological superpower that uses propaganda and the Internet to fuel its war effort, and the primary reason every one is going to war at all is the nefarious GLA, a terrorist group who are developing weapons of mass destruction.

Starting to sound familiar? However, this doesn't mean it's just a brushed up version of Red Alert 2 with a few new units chucked in, there's far more happening beneath the surface than that. However, this seems like gimmickry when compared to the tiny details you keep noticing out of the corner of your eye, which really add depth to the game. In fact, in many ways Generals is a more accurate portrayal of war than many official news reports.

By now little things like this seem so fundamental to strategy games that you have to wonder why Westwood clung to their antiquated system for so long. The traditional upgrading mode has been enhanced on several different levels. There are upgrades for some of the buildings and читать полностью upgrades for the units that endow them with extra weapons, speed and gain attack bonuses.

Alongside that, as a player you gain promotions based on your performance during the game, which in turn allows you to access new technology. Resource gathering has been refined as well, so you're no longer worrying so much about little piles of tiberian or gold. Controlling stockpiles and the various civilian buildings like hospitals and oil derricks is still an important part of gameplay, but each side has been given imaginative means of creating resources from inside their own base.



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